Your guide to

Peace of Mind & Legal protection

for Creators and Online Business Owners

Ready to legally level-up your online business with attorney-drafted, niche specific contract templates?

Then, head over to our Store.

Looking for something else?

Then, you’re in luck. We also offer legal services, free resources, and have a kickass blog full of legal insight.

Offering legal audits, strategy calls, LLC formation, and brand protection (like, trademark services)

Legal Services

Offering free legal guides, checklists and templates for paid content creators and online businesses

Free Resources

Killer blog posts to empower you on your business journey


Why work with Legal Doer?

Just ask our clients.

How does it work?

Are you ready to ditch those unprofessional, copied/pasted, or borrowed contracts? 

Ready to feel confident that your contracts and legal terms are working in your favor instead of against you?

Sweet, then…here’s what to do (for legal peace of mind). ⬇️

1.) Head to our Contract Templates Shop- here. Find the contract that suits your needs and industry. Hit the “Purchase” button (or add more to your cart) and follow the checkout process.

2.) Check your email to download the file in seconds.

3.) Customize the template with easy to follow color-coded instructions and legal notes - don’t worry, we’ve made it super easy!

4.) Be legally solid - get instant peace of mind from all the “what-ifs.”

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

  • All of our templates were drafted by Alyssa Malchiodi, a licensed attorney in the State of Nevada and California. She has been practicing law for over 12 years, in the following areas of law: business, contracts, social media marketing, and brand protection (copyright and trademarks).

    We've also helped many creatives and other online business owners along their journey and frequently update our templates to stay up-to-date in the industry.

  • There are lots of choices when it comes to online contract templates.

    Many of the "free" contract templates found online are missing key terms, are not attorney-drafted, and are not specifically tailored to a particular niche. Often times "free" equates to sloppy, quasi-legal, unprofessional contracts with terms that are often contradictory and don't cover all the bases. It can backfire and end of costing you more money down the road when things don't work out between the parties.

    Unlike other template shops, our templates and bundles are priced so it's affordable for all.

    We also include a video guide and/or easy to follow instructions and legal know-how to make sure that you truly understand the contract and have the knowledge necessary to negotiate the contract with the other party. We think templates are worthless unless you understand the terms inside.

    Did we also mention these are attorney-drafted by an attorney with other 10 years of experience in business litigation and contract law? So much knowledge is packed into these templates.

  • Our templates are based on basic contract law and formation (offer, acceptance, something of value in exchange for goods/services) and are generally accepted by all U.S. states and a majority of countries as well.

    However, we have only reviewed and approved the templates for the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

    Overall, our contracts are great at capturing the spirit of the working relationship and making sure that each party knows what is and is not expected of them.

    We think having legal training and a general lawyer approved template is way better than having nothing…it is like being 99% legally protected. To get that other 1%, and to be completely sure, it would require that you hire a local attorney to draft you a custom contract OR have local counsel review our template for your local laws.

    Because contract templates are not drafted for you and where you are located, we highly recommend getting a contract template and then having a local attorney in your area review it regardless of where you live.

    But hiring a lawyer isn’t always affordable, which is why templates are such a wonderful alternative.

  • We do not offer refunds. We can't take back what you've already downloaded.

    All products and services are sold as-is and are generally non-refundable.


Welcome to Legal Doer®️ - here, we don’t stress about the legal side of content creation or building an online business.

Instead, we are empowered.

If you’re reading this, you are likely a creator (like a UGC Creator or Influencer), a brand, social media manager/digital marketing agency, or an online entrepreneur who sells digital products or provides their services as a coach/consultant.

If so, you’re in the right place.

I’ve been a practicing lawyer for over 12 years, and am dual licensed in California and Nevada.

I’m a wife, a mom of 2 (a 5 & 2 year old), a scuba diver, travel enthusiast, and a doer.

In March of 2023, I stepped away from my “secure” attorney career to go full time in this business, Legal Doer®️ - a digital law firm and DIY legal tools.

I’m on a mission to make (credible) legal more accessible, affordable, and easy to understand for creators and online business owners.

But, enough about me - let’s get your legal on lockdown and get you true peace of mind from the “what-ifs” and worry.

Building an online business is your ticket to true financial and time freedom. But, you are not truly free if you are constantly worrying about losing it all.

Here to help you become legally empowered and fiercely free.

xoxo, Alyssa

Looking for the infamous

Build a legally solid and well-protected online business with ease- by following our legal how-to guidance at an affordable price.


Business Legal Essentials